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Our Curriculum

Our structured curriculum will help ensure the student learns the fundamentals of drawing and painting. We help guide the student through progressively challenging mediums in order to create breathtaking artwork.

Image by Steve Johnson

Most students will start in pastel since it is the most forgiving medium, is easy to learn, and always has dazzling results. Students will go from step-by-step drawings, to no-step drawings, and lastly photographs.

1 - Pastels:

Still Life

Once students have completed all the pastel prerequisites, they will move onto still life sketching. We often start adults students in still life sketching to solidify the students' understanding of the relationship of lights and darks. Initially sketching with pencil, we move into more detailed sketches with black and white pastels and then color.

2 - Still Life:

Watercolor Painting

After still life, students will move into watercolor by completing several watercolor drills that familiarize them with different kinds of washes. The drills are also important to learn how the paint interacts with itself and with the paper. Once the drills are complete, the student may move into no-step pictures and photographs.

3 - Watercolors:

Oil Painting of Still Life

5 - Oil Paints:

When the student completes the watercolor and gouache section of the curriculum, or depending on the student's age/experience, they may move into oil painting. Oil painting has its own set of drills that students must complete before moving into photos. While oil painting is a difficult medium, it is remarkably diverse and can create stunning paintings.


4 - Gouache:

"The Studio Fine Art Classes was my goal to bring back the basics of creating fine art. With my love for teaching, and being formally trained in fine art, I knew when I moved to Bellevue Washington, my mission would be to bring back the arts.


Like most communities, children and adults who always wanted to learn how to draw and paint, never get the opportunity or proper training, because these skills have been lost (and cut from our schools). The Studio Fine Art Classes instruct the individual student at their own pace.


Our teaching method emphasizes the skills developed by classical fine artists. Our talented staff can teach anyone how to draw and paint. I am proud to say that The Studio Fine Art Classes continues to help students discover their own artistic talent and enrich their lives. We continue to change lives every day."


-Cindy Linkon (Owner/Director)

Gouache is The Studio's newest part of the curriculum. Like watercolor, gouache has its own set of drills that must be completed. Unlike watercolor, gouache can be re-wet and moved around once dried. 

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